Links to some of my favorite sites, businesses, and blogs
- All Things Stationery
- A Penchant for Paper
- A Propensity To
- Alt. Haven
- Anderson Pens
- Circumspect Reverie
- The Clicky Post
- The Cramped
- The Desk of Adam
- The Desk of Lori
- Eclectidbits
- Ed Jelley
- Field Notes Colors
- The Finer Point
- Fool with a Pen
- Fountain Pen Quest
- From the Pen Cup
- Funkmon on Pens
- Goldspot Pens
- Goulet Pens
- Gourmet Pens
- Hey There! SBREBrown
- Inkdependence
- Inktronics
- Ionsomnia
- JetPens
- Karas Kustoms
- KurleyMcD
- Leigh Reyes. My Life as a Verb
- Mere Blather
- Modern Stationer
- My Coffee Pot
- My Pen Needs Ink
- My Supply Room
- Newton Pens
- Nib and Ink
- OfficeSupplyGeek
- On Fountain Pens
- That One Pen
- The Passionate Penman
- The Pen Addict
- The Pen Addict Podcast
- Penalog
- PenChalet
- Pennaquod Pen Blog Search Page
- Pens! Paper! Pencils!
- The Pencilcase Blog
- The Pen Company Blog
- The Pen Hunter
- Pens N Coffee
- Pens and Junk
- Peaceable Writer
- The Pen & Inkwell
- Pen Economics
- Pen Habit
- Peninkcillin
- Pen Paper Ink Letter
- Pentulant
- Penicopia
- The Penventory
- Reverenced Writing
- Rhodia Drive
- Unofficial Rotring
- The Well Appointed Desk
- Woodclinched
- WriteAnalog
- Write to Me Often